Hi, I have EDS too and also felt the test was done very painful. It was almost intolerable for me and they couldn’t get the right Fallopian tube to show spillage, so they kept shooting more fluid in there. It was the worst.
]]>Thank you for giving me hope! You and I have similiar histories and my HSG is this Monday. I am terrified.
]]>Just had one today myself. Tubes clear (though one may have been slightly blocked, flushed by the fluid now). Took 600mg ibuprofen 1 hour ahead as advised. I’m with you- pain was immense, progressively worse from catheter insertion to balloon inflation to dye injection. Clearly not just about fluid pressure due to blockage. Lots of screaming, hyperventilation, near syncope, limbs all going numb. I can’t for the life of me understand how this doesn’t cause immense pain for some women. Claims like ‘this may cause mild discomfort for some women’ are downplayed BS and clearly not applicable to all women, and the suggestion that perceptions of pain may only be expectation completely patronizing. While I appreciate not wanting to scare women, downplaying the possible discomfort and pain is horribly irresponsible IMO. Fortunately for me my obgyn was honest with me that ‘I would probably hate her for a few minutes’, I know myself well enough to know I might have a hard time with this, and I did everything I could to minimize my anxiety. Sorry to report that it was still much worse than I expected, but at least it’s a short lived hell.
]]>I just had mine today and the pain was immense! Not sure why some people say it didn’t hurt at all. It was horrendous! Not had my results yet so cannot confirm if this meant my tubes were or still are blocked but it hurt putting the caterer in the worst and then the dye… just wow!
]]>Great common sense comment Natalie!
I had this test done 35 years ago. I was told by the male doctors that I may experience something akin to a mild period pain… I had never experienced pain like it! I felt like I was being impaled. it was horrific. I still remember it clearly, even now.
I was immediately told that my tubes were open! this was not what I had expected, as was only having the procedure to confirm tubal blockages., following two ectopic pregnancies and surgeries.
I now have three grown up daughters, conceived naturally, the first about 5 years after the procedure. I had all three without pain relief, and it was nowhere near as bad as the pain from the hysterosapingogram.
I have often wondered if the procedure aided in unblocking my tubes: I say tubes, but I actually only have the one, as one was removed during surgery for my first ectopic pregnancy.
all these years later, I remember the agonising pain though, it was awful and worse because it was totally unexpected!
I think it is better for women to know that there might be terrible pain. Then they can prepare for it, and if it doesn’t happen, all the better!
best wishes to all on here.
I just got back from my HSG, and it was quite literally the worst pain I’ve experienced in my life – much worse than any period cramping or the ectopic pregnancy that caused internal bleeding for two weeks before it was caught.. I knew nothing about what to expect for the HSG going in, and only found this page when trying to figure out if my experience was abnormal. Each time they added more dye, I felt like my insides were ripping apart. I started to hyperventilate so bad that my hands curled up and I couldn’t talk right for ten minutes. The poor nurses were wonderful, but my god – I will never do that again. On the plus side, i found that my one remaining fallopian tube isn’t blocked. I’d be very surprised if it wasn’t blocked before the test, though, based on the pain.