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    Candice B. O’Hern (Perfetto), M.D.

    Board Certified Board Certified

    • Obstetrics and Gynecology
    • Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
    Patient Testimonial
    I would highly, highly recommend Dr. O’Hern! Throughout my struggles with infertility, she has been kind, supportive, thoughtful, and determined to help me achieve a pregnancy. The staff at SGF, both in Clear Lake and the Medical Center, are amazing to work with!

    Dr. O’Hern, her nurses, and the entire staff at Shady Grove Fertility are the best. Dr. O’Hern provides a wonderful balance of realistic statistical medical advice and compassion in her approach to treatment. She is so supportive and helped me navigate the most important journey of my life so far.

    During the vulnerable and challenging experience of going through infertility treatment, Dr. O’Hern was caring, honest, and supportive. She listened to our concerns and questions with care. She was approachable while speaking to the research in backing her treatment plan.

    We couldn’t be more pleased with the care we received from Dr. O’Hern & her team. After years of being disregarded about pain + infertility challenges, she took the time to listen and always made sure I was comfortable.


    Candice B. O’Hern, M.D., formerly Candice B. O’Hern Perfetto, M.D. is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) as well as reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI). Dr. Perfetto received her medical degree from Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. She then completed her residency in OB/GYN at The George Washington University (GWU) Medical Center. While there, she was honored with the “The Resident Award” and “Administrative Chief Resident of OB/GYN.” It was during her intern year of residency that she became fascinated by the field of reproductive endocrinology and infertility for its combination of medicine, surgery, and the development of meaningful patient relationships.

    Dr. O’Hern then completed her fellowship training in REI at Stanford University Medical Center. While at Stanford University, she participated in resident education as a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as earned recognition as the “Ernest and Amelia Gallo Post-Doctoral Fellow” for her research in recurrent pregnancy loss and embryo implantation.

    Dr. O’Hern is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and the Texas Medical Association. She has published abstracts and papers on topics including recurrent pregnancy loss, improving infertility treatment outcomes, and fertility preservation. Dr. O’Hern has been named a “Top Doctor” in REI by both H Texas and Houstonia magazine.

    In her free time, Dr. O’Hern enjoys spending time with her daughters. She loves being outdoors and uses exercise for fun and self-care.

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    • Residency: Obstetrics and Gynecology, The George Washington University Medical Center
    • Fellowship: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Stanford University Medical Center
    • Modern Luxury Medicine + Doctors Texas magazine (2023)
    • Houstonia magazine “Top Doctor” 2016, 2021 
    • H Texas magazine “Top Doctor” 2017-2021 
    • Texas Monthly magazine “Super Doctor” 2018-2020 
    • Grant recipient, Ernest and Amelia Gallo Endowed Postdoctoral Fellow 2012-2014 
    • Award recipient, Bass Society of Pediatric Scholars 2012-2014 
    • The Resident Award, The George Washington University Ob/Gyn Residency 2011 
    • Inductee, The Kane King Dodek Ob/Gyn Honor Society 2011 
    • Texas Medical Association 
    • Harris County Medical Society  
    • Pacific Coast Reproductive Society  
    • American Society of Reproductive Medicine  
    • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists  
    • Alumni, Pi Beta Phi Sorority 
    • Dayal MB, Frankfurter D, O’Hern C, Peak D, Dubey A and Gindoff PR. The use of lead follicle diameter to initiate gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist does not affect in vitro fertilization clinical pregnancy, implantation, or live birth rates: a prospective randomized study. Fertility and Sterility. 2009;92(6):2047-2049.  
    • Dayal MB, O’Hern CB. Ovotestis. eMedicine for WedMD. December 2009. Available at:
    • Perfetto CO, Gordon JD. Myomectomy before IVF: Which fibroids need to be removed? Middle East Fertility Society Journal. 2011;16(1):42-44. 
    • Perfetto CO, Dayal M and Dubuy A. Infertility: Diagnosis, management and treatment. In Practice Guidelines for the treatment of patients with infertility. Ed. Dubey A. Jaypee Brothers, India, 2011. 
    • Perfetto CO and Westphal LM. Success and predicted pregnancy outcomes for oocyte and embryo donation. In Principles of oocyte and embryo donation. Ed. Sauer M. Springer, New York, 2013. 
    • Perfetto CO, Horowitz GM, Bedaiwy MA, et al. Female Infertility and Fertility Preservation. In Clinical Reproductive Medicine and Surgery: A Practical Guide. Eds. Falcone T and Hurd WW. Springer, New York, 2013. 
    • Perfetto CO, Murugappan G, Lathi RB. Time to next pregnancy in spontaneous pregnancies versus treatment cycles in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss. Fertility Research and Practice. 2015:1:5. 
    • Perfetto CO, Fan X, Dhal S, Krieg SJ, Westphal LM, Lathi RB, Nayak NR. Expression of interleukin-22 in decidua of patients with early pregnancy and unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2015;32(6):977-984. 
    • McQueen DB, Perfetto CO, Hazard FK, Lathi RB. Pregnancy outcomes in women with chronic endometritis and recurrent pregnancy loss. Fertility and Sterility. 2015;104(4):927-931. 
    • Murugappan G, Shahine L, Perfetto CO, Hickok LR, Lathi RB. Intent to treat analysis of in vitro fertilization and preimplantation genetic screening versus expectant management in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss. Accepted for publication, Human Reproduction, 2016. 


    My interest in medicine began at the dining room table. As a child, my family would eat dinner together and talk about our day. My mom was an ICU nurse and for years I listened to her talk about the patients and families she cared for, the other nurses she worked with, and the bonds she made with the physicians in the hospital. Her passion and dedication to her career in medicine helped shape my own desire to be a physician very early on. 

    I became fascinated by the field of reproductive endocrinology and infertility during my intern year of OB/GYN residency. While rotating with my mentors in the clinic, as well as during surgical procedures, I realized the field had a perfect combination of medicine, surgery and most importantly meaningful patient relationships.     

    At every stage in my life — college, medical school, residency, fellowship and finally as a full-time reproductive endocrinologist — I have placed tremendous value on working with others who have shared common goals. When I joined the Center of Reproductive Medicine (now SGF Houston), in 2014, I was looking for colleagues that shared the same desire for excellent patient care, valued our employees and their opinions and supported each other in all aspects of our lives. I knew early on that this would be my “forever practice.” I was not wrong. 

    Some of the most inspiring patients I have worked with are those who have struggled through every step of the process, yet still show up in my office with a smile on their face. It is their determination to have a family and my desire to help get them there that makes me excited to go to work every day. 

    It is incredibly important to me that I take my time to get to know every patient, understand why they are coming to see me and identify their family planning goals. Every patient is unique, and I believe the way I treat them must be as well. 

    I have always been inspired by my parents. They were both driven in their careers — my father attended law school when I was in high school and my mother pursued a second career as a nursing manager when I was in college, yet always prioritized and stressed the importance of family. I owe a great deal of my dedication to my career and my devotion to my family from watching and learning from them. 

    I am outgoing, compassionate, loyal and I get along with almost everyone. One of the things I have heard from a lot of people is that I laugh a lot.  

    I am ready to start traveling more. I spent the majority of my 20s and 30s in-school or in-training and now that I am in the sweet spot of my career, I hope I can enjoy my vacation time and get away more. 

    I love being outdoors and use exercise for both fun and self-care. If the Houston weather is nice, you will find me running or playing tennis. If I find time to get away, I will be snowboarding in the mountains or swimming at the beach. 

    I am a single mom of two wonderful girls. When we are together, we stay busy swimming in the pool, playing with our neighbors, building massive Lego communities and we love traveling. When I have time alone, I keep myself busy on my Peloton or running, enjoy dinner with friends, and (not so secretly) love to go to bed early.