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    Patient Story

    Leah & Ethan

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
    Rebecca Chason, M.D.
    Annapolis, Maryland
    Ridgely, MD
    In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

    Ethan and I were married in the fall of 2022 and planned to try for a family within the next year or so. We never expected that would be an issue for us. In December of 2022 I went in for a routine appointment with my doctor and had some blood tests done just as part of my regular checkup. I never considered something to be wrong. My doctor had some concerns with my bloodwork and sent me for more testing at which time I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and was told that one of its biggest complications was infertility.

    Finding care at SGF with Dr. Chason

    So with that news, we were referred to a fertility doctor as I was told we would most likely need help if we wanted a family. I scheduled an appointment with Shady Grove Fertility and began the millions of tests which lead to a minor surgery all before I could even begin any treatments. Once I was cleared and determined it was safe to began, we started with the simpler treatments. Every month we were devastated all over again with the news that nothing worked. I had never reached such a low point in my life. I really didn’t think it would be this complicated or hard. We were beginning to question if we would ever become parents. I started wondering what our lives looked like in the future, we even discussed adoption and agreed that we would adopt in the future if we couldn’t have biological children. The amount of conversations and decisions we had to make throughout this was so crazy. Ultimately, in August of 2023, Dr. Chason thought it might be best to give (in vitro fertilization) IVF a try. I had never thought I would really need to do that, but I was willing to try anything. We were in no real rush, but I will say, after the consistent negatives and fear of it never happening, it makes you want it so much more and at that point we knew we were ready to be parents.

    Holding on to hope and prayer

    We gathered all of our new financial paperwork, signed our new contracts, made our payments, ordered medication, and waited. Once I got the all clear to start, we got pushed back again because they found cysts on my ovaries. So we waited, again. Finally, after they were gone we began medication for egg retrieval. At first, the medication wasn’t effective. Countless trips to the doctors every day for testing and ultrasounds, adjusting medicines, holding hope and praying. At this point, I was almost ready to give up. I felt like a pin cushion. My stomach had become a war zone. I was on multiple shots a day, feeling horrible and just exhausted. We were told there was a chance that we would have to stop, wait and then start all over again. However, it finally worked, and we were given the green light. We headed to Rockville two days later for my egg retrieval. I remember Ethan and I praying in the parking lot that morning for God to just be there for us and begging for this to work. The retrieval was successful and the next thing to do was wait a week to go back in for a transfer. The following week we got the phone call and went back to Rockville for our IVF transfer. My anxiety was at an all time high. We were so scared! Not expecting anything to happen on our first transfer but praying for the best!

    The happiest moment

    A few days later I took a test not expecting to see any results as it was so soon after the transfer but I was impatient. I’m glad I did because we saw a second line! I will NEVER forget that moment. It was the happiest moment we had throughout it all. We stood there in the bathroom holding each other crying the happiest tears because the day we waited and hoped for had finally arrived. I will hold onto that memory for the rest of my life.

    Every single step of the way was a new milestone for us. I can’t tell you how scared and anxious we were waiting for the phone calls EVERY DAY from the doctor with the news for every little thing. Constantly wondering, did it work? Did the medicine work? Will they cancel treatment? The worry never went away. We were physically, mentally, and financially drained. I went to the doctors every single day over multiple weeks and months. I can honestly say this experience tested both of us so much; however, looking back I am SO glad we never gave up. We overcame all of it together. I would do it all over again if I had to. This made Ethan and I stronger as individuals and as a couple and there is not another soul in this world I could have survived this without.

    Light at the end of the tunnel

    I am sharing our story because I’m hoping that someone reading this, who may be struggling in private, sees that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. When we started all of this I read so many other couples stories and told myself if I ever make it to the other side I want to share my story in hopes of it helping someone else. You are NOT alone. Some people struggle for years and my story feels so minimal compared to others. We didn’t share with the world, but our very close family and friends knew and I couldn’t have gone through it without them and I truly believe that. Nobody knows what it is like to go through this unless they have been there. Sometimes people didn’t know what to say to us, but them just being there for us and letting me cry or scream or do whatever I needed to do to get by, meant so much to me.  

    A special thank you to Dr. Rebecca Chasson and Nurse Alison Moriarty for making our dreams come true!! We are forever grateful for you and the entire team at Shady Grove Fertility. 


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    Need-to-know fertility resources and guidance

    Diagnosis and treatment

    We understand you may have questions about infertility and how it’s treated. Gain answers from the diagnosis and treatments shared in this story.
    Infertility terms
    In vitro fertilization (IVF)

    Receiving care

    Assemble your fertility care team close to home. Explore our different locations and physicians who will provide guidance along your journey.
    Dr. Rebecca J. Chason
    Annapolis, Maryland, location
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